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Monday, February 20, 2012

Day Eight in Skyrim: Hiking and Other Mistakes, Part 1 of 3

Hello all, behold an exciting new experiment! The following "day" will span the week and will be told in three parts. I'm living on the edge! Please let me know if you enjoy this minor change. Thank you.

-I wonder what the folks in Falkreath are up to? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's depressing. Maybe I can cheer them up by killing something.

-Escaped Vampire you say? In the mountains you say? Certain to have found a coven you say? I'm sorry, but I have to tell you this is the most miserable place I have ever visited and remember, I've been to New Jersey.

-Let's see, he's marked the vampire's den on my map, apparently it's on the same mountain as a dragon, convenient, sorta.

-Potions? Check. Every ingot in town purchased and processed into daggers? Check. Still not a vampire? Check. Looks like everything is in order.

-An abandoned wagon on the side of the road? This must belong to someone. Hmm, wonder if the owner is hiding in that tower.

-Is that tree looking at me funny? Wait, that thought isn't right! What the hell is that thing?! AAAAHHH!

-Ok, not sure why but that tree-elf-nightmare thing REALLY freaked me out. Time to move on, besides, I'm pretty sure I know what happened to the owner of that cart.

-A house? On the same mountain as a dragon, a vampire den and whatever the hell was living in that tower? I've played enough video games to call shenanigans on this.

-The door is locked, did I say locked? I meant to say lock-picking is awesome.

-Anyone home? If you're just a humble farmer, just trying to get by in a harsh world, I'm really sorry about your door.

-Snuggleface! What's downstairs? Are you killing a humble farmer!? Come back here! Oh thank god, it was just another bandit... with a note.

-Hmm, the note mentions bandits, threats, death, traps and treasure. I choose to ignore all but one of those words.

-You know what's more interesting than notes? Big shiny candy-like buttons.

-A secret tunnel hidden behind a bookcase? How quaint!

-So Skyrim has so many bandits that they've had to resort to storing spare ones in this underground city?

-This slow motion arrowing perk has made my long distance eye surgeries soooo much easier.

-On the one hand arrowing a sleeping bandit seems unethical, on the other hand it's a golden opportunity to make a witty action-hero-esque quip.

-*thwomp*,Sweet dreams mister bandit. *sigh* I'm such a slave to my whims.

-I hear voices, lots of voices and they are getting closer.

-Whhoooaaa, that's a lot of bandits, did I interrupt a convention?!

-What do you call a giant group of bandits? A bunch? A band? A gaggle? I think this constitutes a gaggle of bandits.

-If I've learned nothing else from fighting gaggles of things, and I haven't, you must protect your back, which is why I'm wedging myself in the door-frame.

-To paraphrase one of my heroes, you may think I'm trapped in here with you, but you're trapped in here with me.

-and Punchy

-and my dog, actually It really is a group effort on our part.

-So much biting and stabbing and arrowing! What a great day to be alive!

-Yep, taking everything these guys had. Not because I need it, but because I want the next person that comes by here to think these guys died in the mists of the most horrifying orgy in the history of everything.

-I'll be damned, there IS a conference table in the next room. Wait, really? Were they discussing the third quarter profit reports? I need an explanation here.

This was such a nice lakeside town till that gaggle of bandits moved in next store.

1 comment:

  1. That is one hell of a creep-tastic quote from your hero up there...I take it this is also something you live by...why am I not surprised by this?
