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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Seven in Skyrim: Two Cars in Every Garage and Two Women for Every Lizard

-Guess it's back to town for us, maybe someone needs more bandits killed? Wait, why is this dog still with us? Damn it, he must be tied to the quest for that axe, but I'm not getting that stupid axe. Hmm...

-The dog is part of the quest... and I'm not going to finish the quest... which means I'm stuck with the dog... most likely forever... and IF THE DOG is with us forever... THAT MEANS WE'RE FINALLY A REAL FAMILY! ISN'T THAT RIGHT SNUGGLEFACE THE SECOND!!!

-This is fantastic! Can't you just picture it now Punchy? Years from now we'll be relaxing in our living room, Snugglface the Second here will be cuddled up by the fire and... wait, what am I talking about? We're homeless. WAIT! How much gold do we have right now?!

-Five thousand and forty nine gold coins!? Home ownership here we come!

-Owning a home is everything I dreamed it would be! We can finally stop carrying around all of our belongings like over dressed hobo's.

-How did I just fit all those items into one dresser? The closet to Narnia doesn't have this much storage.

-Did you just hear someone come in? Are bandits already here?! We haven't even unpacked!

-Sneaking, approaching the stairs, arrow back, find my target and... Lydia?! What the hell are you doing here? Also, where are your manners?

-Just think, yesterday I was arguing with a statue and today? Today I am king of everything! Let's go buy a kitchen, I'm feeling extravagant!

-Why is music playing? Please tell me that was an abnormally large bat I just heard flying overhead?

-Dragon! circling over the city! We need to get this thing away from here before the civilian casualties start piling up! I'll draw it's attention with arrows and make a break for the city gates!

-Wait a second? Who do I think I am? I'm not Bruce Willis! I'm an idiot!

-Oh! Wow! That is a LOT of fire! Where are the guards?! We need someone to draw it's attention by getting digested.

-We don't stand a chance with this thing flying around taking shots at us, we need to bring it down to earth... also, where did it go? Did I really just lose a dragon? Punchy? What are you looking at behind me? Oh... no.


-Punchy! Stop running at dragons! Have you learned nothing from the untimely cooking of Bob and Tim?!

-You're going to get yourself killed... by slashing at it's underside... and bringing it back down to earth!? Punchy! I want to have your babies!

-Welcome back to Terra Firma! Population? ALL THE ARROWS!

-How do you like my fire hands?! huh?! HUH!?!

-HA! It's down! Who needs home insurance when you have a nord and a talking dog? Eat it State Farm.

-Oh, hey there mister city guard, your timing is amazingly convenient.

-Look I know you saw us fighting this dragon right outside the city because we were on fire for like, two whole minutes! You could have seen us from space!

-What are we going to do if another dragon comes around? Well I suspect you're going to hide in the ground like the gopher-human hybrid that you are, but us? Well, I don't mean to brag but we are the leading dragon extermination company in the district.

This is what happens to things that damage my home property value

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