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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Nine in Skyrim: Any Enemy of the Empire... (Part 2 of 2)

-Hey, yeah I know I said I was leaving but I just thought of something I can give you fine gentleman in exchange for the prisoner, *thwomp* body piercings.

-Draw that sword and you’ll be dead before your next breath! Punchy! That one was mine! Find your own guards to murder!

-Snuggleface and Punchy, get the guard on the catwalk! *thwomp* correction, get the other guard on the cat walk!

-Is this wine glass leaking? Better just drink it straight from the bottle.

-Three archers versus little ole me? That hardly seems fair.

-You boys should have brought more friends.

-*thwomp* One! *thwomp* TWO! *thwomp* THAT’S THREE YOU SONS OF BITCHES!

-Wait, No! I’m not done killing you yet! *casts Raise Zombie*



-Also! Fear Snuggleface! His teeth are at groin level!


-Wait! The prisoners! They leave! also us!

-That’s it?! No one else left to fight!? IS THAT ALL YOU COWARDS GOT?! DAMN RIGHT IT’S ALL YOU GOT!

-I’m taking nothing off these guys other than the helmets, I want them to spend the rest of eternity with the worse case of helmet hair.

-Right, so... why did we just kill all these guards again? PRISONER... what’s his name.
Something-or-other Gray-mane. Let’s go find him.

-Locked door? Pfft! I’m a lock-picking genius!

-*30 broken lockpicks later* GOD DAMN IT!

-He must be in one of these cells, wait a second, what is a Thalmor Interrogator doing down here? These jokers are religious fanatics with dangerous ideals and zero tolerance for anyone that doesn’t measure up to their standards of righteousness.

-I don’t care how many rock creatures you can summon! You know who else doesn’t care?! PUNCHY THE UNBROKEN! I won’t even waste an arrow on you, you robed thug.

-From now on I will call all Thalmors, “Santorums”.

-The imperials are employing these savages? By that I can not abide. Looks like I’m a rebel. A handsome, well-dressed rebel.

-Gray-mane, let’s get you out of your binding and back into the light of day, we should hurry I’m afraid we may have repercussions from the um... negotiations for your freedom.

-It must be negative thirty degrees out here and you’re wearing a t-shirt? What are you, from Michigan? Put on a goddamn sweater or something.

-Into hiding you go. I’ll tell your mother you are safe. I’ll also send a message to the Battle-borns.

-Just to be clear, you understand when I say “message” I mean, “hunt down like dogs.”, right?

-Come on Punchy, much like doctors from the 1950’s, we have a house-call to make.

Pictured: a man who should sleep with one eye open.


  1. hahaha, Santorums! Very accurate actually. I have yet to go and save Mr. Graymane, but I think I'll head out and do it soon. Sounds like a lovely fight ensued.

  2. It's a fun quest, you should bring lots of arrows though, or mana or whatever it is that you kids use these days.
